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As In Little Things - Inner Growth Through Daily Experience

One Brings More of Its Kind

Two young men in a small town often deprived of electricity each receive an iPhone and quickly acquaint themselves with Google.

In their spare time, one uses his new phone to follow the lives of friends and celebrities while the other explores his curiosity on electricity.

Recognizing his search patterns, Google presents the first with countless links and ads about celebrities he follows. He can barely keep up with the new information he receives daily. Every free minute, even while stuck in traffic, he is glued to his phone. He realizes this is unhealthy but considers he too should be entitled to a small vice. “I do not smoke or drink, what harm is there in surfing the web all day,” he consoles himself. He comes in contact with those, who like him, enjoy discussing the lives of others.

The other is also presented with countless links about the generation of electricity. Slowly he learns about sources of energy, turbines, magnets, electrons. “So this is not as complex as I thought,” he stood amazed. Every free minute, even while stuck in traffic, he reflects on articles he had read about energy generation and contemplates carrying out an experiment of his own. The intensity of his thoughts bring him in contact with those, who like him, have similar aspirations.

The first does not see the plethora of vices that accompany time-wasting. As he wastes the time graciously afforded him to advance spiritually, so would he also waste his life.

The second is also ignorant of the many virtues that accompany a steadfast, constructive volition. In his respect for the time graciously afforded him, he would earn the full measure of help that awaits him in Creation which he attributes to luck.

As the Google search engine presents multiple results for a single searched item, so also does a single vice or virtue bring forth more of its kind.

Languishing in the boredom of his monotonous job as a junior analyst in the financial district, Antoine excitedly looks forward to the completion of his business degree. With this degree, he should be more marketable and something better would surely come along. 

The longed for day arrives… but still no word from any of the employer he covets. Many a night did he spend searching for new positions; applying and applying, following up on past applications, reaching out to old classmates on LinkedIn, desperate for a lead, for anything.

Then one day, he unexpectedly receives a message from a recruiter for a job interview. He excels and is soon offered the position of senior business analyst at an Information Technology company famous for its excellent treatment of its employees. Antoine is happy with the company and cheerfully gives more than is expected of him.

Several months later, he comes to know that a fellow senior business analyst, who only has a high school degree but is equally as productive, takes home the same pay he does. Greed quickly raised its head in the guise of fairness. 

“How could this be, I have a college degree?” he says to his manager. “I am being unfairly compensated.” And so began his fall at the company. Long forgotten was his desperate state before the recruiter’s message, long forgotten was his joy at receiving the job offer. Long forgotten was the fact that he would happily have accepted 20% less than what he received. Only the thought of receiving the same wages as someone he deems less qualified… only this stirred the desire to get more.

Little did he know what his greed had cost him. Unbeknownst to him, his cheerfulness had caught the eye of the company’s chief financial officer who had planned to nominate him for an executive leadership program and thereby fast-track his development at the company. This was now off the table.


The man who cheerfully gives more to others than is expected of him, without expecting a reward, would in return receive much more than he ever dreamed of. Why? Because in giving cheerfully, he swings in the radiations of love – the greatest power there is.

In the city of Tabriz lived a middle aged jewelry merchant named Ardashir. He felt a great sense of responsibility for the jewelry store as it has belonged to his family for generations. For this reason, he was strict with his workers and often distrustful of them. Workers are innately unreliable and lazy was his belief, and they needed close supervision and discipline. This belief was backed by experience, 19 years of firsthand experience to be precise.

Over the years, he learned to deal with his unreliable workers. Cameras were installed to prevent stealing, fines were established to discourage tardiness and a no-tolerance policy was in place to combat insubordination.

The competitive external struggle with other jewelry stores along with his own internal struggle with his workers took a toll on the aging man. He was exhausted! He thought of Babak, one of his best workers who resigned two months ago. “Why do my best workers leave me?” In reflection, he noticed that Babak was no exception, none of his few exceptional workers ever stayed beyond two months.

Ardashir! “One who rules with Truth,” this was the meaning of his name. A name he was always so proud to bear. But now Ardashir sounded distant, as if it no longer belonged to him. The constant distrust of his employees had so poisoned this man’s heart that he no longer sought the guidance of Truth. In this tender moment, the word “Love” rung out loud and clear. “Assign no task to an employee that you would not perform yourself, first seek the happiness of those under your authority ahead of your store’s prosperity.” The flood gates opened up and these words kept flowing. Lastly, he heard… “do to them as you would like to be done by.”

Milton and Claudia have been dating for five years and were friends two years before that. He is comfortable with their relationship as it currently stands but senses a silent expectation from his girlfriend. Claudia has not been herself lately, she is aloof despite Milton’s various attempts at cheering her up. He sent her a text last night and is yet to receive a reply, never has this happened in their five years of dating.

On a train ride to the grocery store, Milton’s thoughts grow heavy. Yes, Claudia is in her mid-thirties but she is happy with our relationship as it is… Are you sure? …She mentioned that word last week but it was just in passing. Does she really want that?  These thoughts so consumed the young man that he missed his stop.

That word which Claudia mentioned last week signified bondage, it signified unhappiness. That word was Marriage! Milton never intimately experienced a home in which a happy marriage resided. He vividly remembers his parents’ arguments as a child and their subsequent divorce. As a teenager, he witnessed the yelling and name-calling that was ever so prevalent in his uncle’s home.

“Is Claudia expecting a proposal?” He cares for his girlfriend and does not want to hurt her.  In his pondering as to whether or not to propose, he raises his head involuntarily and catches a glimpse of a young woman who just came on-board the train. Every movement of this woman was noble. Her long bright green dress swayed gently as she glided across the train. In her face was an inner warmth that unconsciously made Milton tuck in his shirt. As if awoken from a dream, Milton felt free of his heavy thoughts. Without a word, this young woman on the train had done something Milton in his limited understanding could only call magic. She awoke in him the longing for something higher, for a nobler purpose.

Claudia soon noticed a change in Milton. He spoke less, there seemed to be an aura of calmness around him which gave evidence to the peaceful nature of his thoughts. She herself began to change, the nature of their conversations took on a nobler form. They talked about the purpose of life and their aspirations. Milton’s view on marriage evolved. What other purpose could there be to marriage than for a joint deepening and nurturing of high spiritual values, he wondered. Marriage took on a new meaning for the young man who was now confident that he had found a true partner in Claudia.

Exhausted after a long day, Anuli arrives at her apartment and heads straight to bed.  The empty feeling of a wasted day lingers within. She relives the day’s events in spirit and sadly sees nothing worth noting.

Anuli is well liked in the office. She is hard working and most dependable. She was called into a meeting today to help on a project that was outside her scope of responsibility. Ever the team player, she did not object.  She figured she would catch up on her own work over the weekend.

During her lunch hour, she logged on to youtube to continue her Spanish language learning but was soon diverted after seeing a new music video of her favorite artist. Ever the loyal fan, she did not object to watching more videos until her lunch time was up.

Toward the end of the workday, her friend invited her to a fellow colleague’s going away party. Ever the supportive friend, she did not object. She figured she may never see this colleague again and decided to forgo her planned quiet evening.

Her father’s words came roaring back as clear as if he were standing before her. “Focus, know your purpose” Never had the meaning of these words been as clear as it was this day. She realized that only by saying no and eliminating from her thoughts and actions everything which subtracts from her purpose could she make her highest contribution to society.  Only now did she understand why her father always politely refused all requests that were not aligned to his own clear purpose.