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As In Little Things - Inner Growth Through Daily Experience

Giving The Right Help

At a rotary leading up to a major highway one Friday morning, Xi-Jang battles for space on the crowded road. He hears a loud horn directed at him but irritably ignores it. He pushes forward to get on the less busy highway on his way to work. Five miles into his commute on the interstate, he hears an unusual sound. Slowing down to better discern the cause of the noise, he finds its origin in his vehicle. A flat tire! The horn at the rotary, which tried to draw his attention to his tire, now makes sense to him.

He takes the next exit and finds the nearest gas station. Within ten minutes, the mechanic at the gas station replaced the flat tire with a spare and Xi-Jang was again on his way to work. With the much smaller spare tire, he had to proceed cautiously and could not drive as fast as he normally does. “Why doesn’t my car come with a standard full-sized spare tire,” he asked. He began thinking of re-arranging his upcoming busy weekend in order to accommodate a trip to his local tire store to buy a new standard tire.

Arriving late to work, he relays his experience to his boss and vents his frustration at the unplanned expense of buying a new tire. “The temporary spare tire forces you to always have a spare … it prevents you from being stranded,” his boss responds. “I don’t understand, Xi-Jang replies” Elaborating further, his boss continues-  “if your spare tire had been a standard full-sized tire, would you have the same urgency to replace it so you have a spare the next time your tire goes flat?”

In the desire to help oneself or a loved one, care should be taken to provide the right help. The right help is often inconvenient because it forces one to develop dormant abilities in order to overcome a given adversity. The abilities sharpened in overcoming the adversity prepares him against future adversities. He is strengthened with spare energy and will not be stranded in the face of future troubles.

Patricia’s study is her favorite room in her home. It is a small but beautiful room overlooking her garden. The slightly opened window seems to bring in peaceful thoughts from her well-kept garden. On her work desk is a white, oval vase with beautifully arranged lilies from her garden. Its dazzling colors are striking. Its calming, delicate fragrance filled the room with its aroma.

In stark contrast to the rest of the flower, she noticed one of the small branches withering. On closer inspection, she discovered that it was partly disconnected from the rest of the flower. It no longer received the life sustaining nutrients it formerly enjoyed. Patricia cut off the branch and placed it directly in the vase where it would have contact with the water she feeds the flowers weekly.

The next evening, she noticed some of the brown spots reverting to green and smiled in wonderment. “So all it took was a reconnection with your source of nourishment.”

Thousands seek help from doctors for depression. They are drying up, withering and are in need of lasting nourishment. What nourishment do they seek? … What nourishment do all human spirits seek? JOY. The opportunity to give love through selfless service is the only food that satisfies the human spirit. Only this connects the human spirit to its roots.


“Did you understand the problem we went over in class yesterday? I was completed lost after Mr. Kluckovah began explaining bivariate distributions.”

“ I understood some of it and would be happy to explain what I know.”

This was a common occurrence for Tomas, especially closer to quizzes and tests.  His fellow students sought him during study hall to explain what they did not understand in class. Ostrava High School was a competitive boarding school. Tuition was expensive; naturally, much was expected from the students by their parents.

Leading up to final examinations, Tomas was overwhelmed with questions. Students came intermittently in pairs or trios, leaving Tomas little time to attend to his own studies. Always happy to help, Tomas never turned anyone away who was serious about learning.

After examinations, Tomas lobbied ten other high performing students to help. He envisioned each of them working with five needy students during study hall. Despite the competitive nature of the school, the ten high performing students answered Tomas’ call. Their respect for Tomas opened up their hearts, which were previously closed to the need of their classmates in their focus on themselves.

And so, the mentoring program began. In teaching, the mentors acquired a greater command and understanding of the subject matter.  What they initially felt to be an inconvenience became a source of joy and fulfillment. The mentees did much better with their test scores and acquired an increased level of confidence in their abilities.

At the start of the next school year, the annual elections for class president began.  Three students lobbied for the distinguished position. During morning assembly, the three candidates were formally announced. The student body, on the other hand, had another name in mind. A quiet chant which quickly picked up momentum was heard …. “Tomas, Tomas, Tomas!”

Leaders are easily distinguished by their love for a cause which manifests outwardly in service. True leadership does not come from the desire to lead, but the desire to serve.  Universities lure students with their leadership programs, but consider… can love for a cause be taught? Only when love for a cause undergirds a student’s desire for tools that will aid him in his service can such academic programs be helpful.

There was once a kingdom in the higher realms, unfathomably higher than the earth. Some of the inhabitants of this kingdom could not bear the scorching light prevalent in this realm. Therefore, they were unconscious and unable to  participate in the joyful activity that ensued there. In His unimaginable love the King extended his kingdom to include a lower realm, which was until then devoid of any life, in order to make it possible for these inhabitants to grow strong at a far greater distance from the great light and one day return to the higher realm as fully self-conscious members of society.

Guides were sent ahead of time to prepare this realm for these unconscious inhabitants and to teach them how to live according to the ways of the King. Through the help of the guides, they began to grow conscious of the abilities bestowed upon them. In time, conceit reared its head and some of them began attributing their success to their own intelligence.  These few slowly began corrupting the others and the guides were no longer sought after because the inhabitants thought they knew everything better. Centuries of misery, debauchery and war followed.

Seeing the destruction that lay ahead for these people, the King sent prophets to various corners of the lower realm to once again remind them of the way back to the higher realm, which was the sole purpose of the extension of His kingdom. But the evil had become so strong and pervasive that even the prophets’ influence were merely transient. Shortly after the prophets left, the people distorted their teachings and created religions in their name.

Still, some yearned for the knowledge of the King and the way back to Him so for the sake of the few, He sent His Son. The Son of the King, in all His majesty and indescribable power, descended to the lower realm to show the way out of the darkness. However, His great love was returned with hatred. He, who came out of love from the highest of heights, was brutally killed by the little people of the lower realm.

And yet, The King still leaves the door open for those of the lower realm who honestly strive to live according to His Word.  Despite the continual failure of the undeserving people who for millennia have mostly spread only destruction, He still allows them breathe.

Ludovico’s Send-Off

Three and a half centuries ago, the Lugo family received a letter calling away their eldest son, Ludovico. Ludovico was a gifted young doctor whose selfless work in his small village caught the attention of a traveling merchant. This merchant was the younger brother of one of the greatest minds in medicine during this period, which came to be known as the Renaissance era.

Upon his return to Paris, the merchant told his brother about the young doctor whose natural ability in the healing arts was unlike anything he had seen before. His brother immediately dispatched a letter to Ludovico, inviting him to Paris.

The entire village was saddened by the news of Ludovico’s impending departure. They all knew it was highly unlikely that they would see him again. Who would heal the sick? Who would inspire the disheartened? Who would console the dying? In all their concern over themselves, they failed to consider what was best for Ludovico.

At his send-off gathering, they all reminded him of his impact on the village and how difficult it would be for them after his departure. They chained him with flattering words and suffocated him with sorrow. None made his departure easy, none saw the opportunities afforded Ludovico for an increased development of his abilities.

And so, Ludovico postponed his journey to Paris. He knew each day of indecision was costly for the invitation had an expiration date, but he was conflicted. Should he obey the natural law of movement which demands continuous development or should he ignore his development for the sake of the people of his village? Would he be able to break loose from their chain of selfish affection?


Is it any different at funerals? Might quiet prayers of support for the diseased on the new path traveled be more beneficial to him than loud expressions of grief by family and friends?