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December 10, 2020

On the outskirts of the capital city of Abidjan, stands Mr. Machel’s Dry-cleaners. The well-known shop is the result of Thomas Machel’s hard work over the years. “One cannot be complacent,” he often told his employees, hence he pushed for more growth year after year.

His thoughts so revolved around his shop that he failed to take his advice at home for he was complacent in his responsibility as father and husband. Everything he did was for his family, surely they understand that. He had long believed this lie that he never dared to question it. His long hours away from home became intolerable for the young wife; their lovely home soon became just a lovely house.

A cheerful young man by the name of Didier, who was recently hired to support the growing shop stopped by one morning hours before his shift began. He was accompanied by his wife who had used a portion of his first paycheck to bake a cake for Mr. Machel to thank him for her husband’s employment.

The usually austere boss was stunned by such generosity. Didier could certainly not sustain his family with what he paid him, yet he spends what little he has on this cake. Seeing the joy in the eyes of Didier’s wife, he realizes how lucky Didier is. “What a lovely home they must share together”, he wondered. It made him think of his wife who once enjoyed coming to see him in his shop. In this moment, he perceived that he was much poorer and ignorant than his minimum-wage employee and would do better to learn from him. He heartily embraced Didier’s wife and invited them both to his house for dinner.

The presence of the guests had a refreshing effect on everyone in the house. It was as if peace and merriment returned after a long hiatus. “This couple possesses something that outweighs all I have,” Thomas Machel clearly sensed this. Didier’s wife had unintentionally awakened the inner joy that had long been suppressed by his blind drive for earthly success. The dullness of his existence became glaringly apparent.

Thomas Machel closed his shop for a week. He quickly made up for lost time with his family and their lovely house once again became a lovely home.