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December 6, 2019

Perplexed, a young man finds himself alone in a rapidly moving car. What propels this vehicle, where is it heading?- He knows not. The car takes him through ugly towns and cities. On rare occasion, he is exposed to the beautiful countryside. “Why this darkness, why this ugliness?” “Go back to the beautiful countryside,” he yells at the car. He yells louder but to no avail. Hopeless, he surrenders to his fate. For how much longer would this last? The monotonous gloominess for what seemed like years became too much for the poor man to bear.

Helpless and filled with fear, he cried for help. His humble petition was soon rewarded. The car slowed down and turned toward the beautiful countryside. The sight of the sun and the magnificent mountains filled him with such deep gratitude. With tears coursing down his cheeks, he thanked the car. He thanked The Creator of the sun and the mountains.  In his state of joy and gratitude, he wished to admire the beautiful flowers in the meadow.  To his surprise, the car obeyed this silent volition and drove him closer to the flowers. He wished to see the flowing stream and again the vehicle obeyed his unspoken volition and drove him closer to the stream. “For years I only saw darkness, ugliness and filth why did you not grant my wish to see the countryside then, why do you only listen to me now?” lamented the young man.

He reflected on this for a while and soon discovered the difference between his outward wishes and his innermost volition. He now knew that the vehicle has always listened to him, for it is propelled by his volition. It could not obey his outward wish to go to the beautiful countryside because his inner volition was primarily filled with dark aspirations that drew him to the ugly towns and cities.

The consciousness of the power bestowed upon him through his volition to direct his destiny became clear to him. Shaking, he trembled at the greatness of this recognition and gave thanks for it.