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Seeing The Goal

Upon graduating from college ten years ago, Adlai Ejike joined the design team at a premier architectural firm. He is paid well and is able to afford a nice apartment in New York city. Adlai is a frugal man with modest needs. He takes public transportation, brings his lunch to work and has little interest in the expensive nightlife of his lively city. Beyond his occasional travels, he spends little outside of his living expenses. He saves whatever money is left over every month but has no financial goal.

With each passing year, his desire for a home and financial security to shelter his young family became ever stronger until it became a goal. He no longer merely saved what was left over from every paycheck but first allocated funds toward this goal. With his goal clearly before him, he became attuned to all the opportunities surrounding him which aid the attainment of his goal much sooner than he ever imagined.

When he finally achieved the financial security he sought, he realized that the achievement in itself was not nearly as important as the habits and character developed in the struggle for the achievements pursued.


As in all earthly pursuits so is it with spiritual aspirations. Only when one sees his goal clearly before him does he begin to live with purpose. A man’s highest goal determines all things because all things will be seen from the perspective of this goal.

Every man knows death approaches closer with each day yet there is no increased urgency to see the highest goal of life; he attends the funeral of his neighbor but hardly imagines his day too will come.

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