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Chains of Affection

Ludovico’s Send-Off

Three and a half centuries ago, the Lugo family received a letter calling away their eldest son, Ludovico. Ludovico was a gifted young doctor whose selfless work in his small village caught the attention of a traveling merchant. This merchant was the younger brother of one of the greatest minds in medicine during this period, which came to be known as the Renaissance era.

Upon his return to Paris, the merchant told his brother about the young doctor whose natural ability in the healing arts was unlike anything he had seen before. His brother immediately dispatched a letter to Ludovico, inviting him to Paris.

The entire village was saddened by the news of Ludovico’s impending departure. They all knew it was highly unlikely that they would see him again. Who would heal the sick? Who would inspire the disheartened? Who would console the dying? In all their concern over themselves, they failed to consider what was best for Ludovico.

At his send-off gathering, they all reminded him of his impact on the village and how difficult it would be for them after his departure. They chained him with flattering words and suffocated him with sorrow. None made his departure easy, none saw the opportunities afforded Ludovico for an increased development of his abilities.

And so, Ludovico postponed his journey to Paris. He knew each day of indecision was costly for the invitation had an expiration date, but he was conflicted. Should he obey the natural law of movement which demands continuous development or should he ignore his development for the sake of the people of his village? Would he be able to break loose from their chain of selfish affection?


Is it any different at funerals? Might quiet prayers of support for the diseased on the new path traveled be more beneficial to him than loud expressions of grief by family and friends?

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